
Monday, August 1, 2011


I went swimming today with my fiancé, I had an amazing time practicing my freestyle & breaststrokes. I never got a chance to learn as a child (even though both my parents are extremely strong swimmers) so he is building on the foundation laid by my Pathfinder beginners swimming honor. As I swam today it is one of things I wanted to learn/ re-learn.

I wrote out a list last month with the help of Will of things I wanted to learn or get better at. I gave myself a year to work on it so that on my next birthday I could see how much I grew. Because William wanted to keep up with me he will also be doing a lot of the things alongside myself.

I know that I could have easily said that I was too old to learn how to swim but I'm trying anyhow. For me it is never too late to do anything. We are given one life to live & I want to open myself to new experiences (within limits) and find out what makes me truly tick in the process.

I find that as you learn new things you will see yourself grow & become wiser. I want to gain wisdom & knowledge daily, for me to accomplish that I need to open myself to computers (Linux, Mac & Windows), swimming, acting and other areas of interest.

With the thought of learning all of these new things I wonder at times if God is pleased. I read Matthew 25:14-30 where Christ spoke about the parable of the talents. The master gave each servant various talents- just like Christ has given us. Each servant used their talents differently- I want to use my talents like the wise servants, creating an increase for my Heavenly Father. The only way to create an increase is to try new things.

A lot of times we box ourselves in & don't allow ourselves to blossom & grow as individuals. The mind is a terrible thing to waste & not learning something new daily is a waste. Search for wisdom & knowledge daily in the new things you try. I find that everything around us has a lesson about ourselves, our motives, our personal relationships with God. With this in mind I want to try new things to seek new things within myself. How do I know what I can do if I don't try?

Tonight as I head to bed I admonish you not to waste your brain with excuses- learn something new/ try something new. Don't let your mind & talents go to waste. You maybe surprised at how much you grow!

Until next time please keep Proverbs 2:3-6; & Matthew 7:7-8.

The Diarist
Every moment is meant to be taken in & reflected on.

P.S. Someday soon I will share my list with you & monthly I will try to explain & give an update on how it is all going.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device available from BTC.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very uplifting piece that definetely gives food for thought. I too will create a list of ways that I can expand my knowledge and diversity before I grow one year older. I believe too that it shows how much one can learn in a short space of time; the results can be surprising!
