
Wednesday, December 28, 2011


It is the end of another year- and I am in awe of the amazing things God has done for me. I have completed my course with A's, I'm blessed beyond measure in my relationship, and got one very big surprise the other day. I want to spill all the beans but can't for another few weeks.

Today my readers- I am RIDICULOUSLY blessed!

Until the next time keep Job 8:21 in your heart & Spirit.

The Diarist

Monday, December 5, 2011


 How do I get back there?
Today I stand here feeling unsure of where I am
Even when I tried to run away you found me.
Kept calling my name
I knew too much of what joy
Could be found in You to ever truly leave,
Here I stand- I want to move on with you 
But I am a broken vessel, 
I am dirty, I need to be cleansed.
I keep forgetting that with you there are no 'buts'
I don't know how You will turn my mess into Your glory
Why You would bless me with new life
Why would You be good to me who has not loved You properly?
Why today?

This morning all I am feeding my spirit is wonderful Christian music and it has made me think of the state that my own walk with Christ is at. There are a LOT of changes going on in my life- and this weekend was hard as it made two months since my cousin Joanna died. In every cloud in my life there has been a silver lining. Whenever I lost someone God would open the door for new connections. Today I thank Him for new connections and the blessings found in old ones.

Today there is so much I want to say- but so much that I cannot say, so I will prudently leave it here. Until the next time keep Jeremiah 29:11 in your heart & spirit.

The Diarist
For every moment is meant to be taken in and reflected on.