It has been a very long time since I wrote an entry in this form. I have some very life changing plans for the next 6 months and I will be using this platform as opposed to Social Media to work through them with writing.
Since the last time I wrote, a lot has changed. I have seen God open some serious windows: I was able to start and complete my BSc in Nursing degree, hired in my dream profession, added a daughter making me a mom of 2 wonderful children. Life on the outside looks perfect. My friendships have been enriched, I have accomplished many goals and I am actively chasing new ones. What is next?
What is next is a journey that will make me a woman after Gods own heart, a journey that will ravage me at times, a journey that will make me stronger.
So, as I begin this journey, I invite you to pray with me and open your heart to newness.
Until next time keep 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 in your heart and Spirit!
~ The Praying Diarist