
Monday, June 22, 2009


About a few weeks back I began to feel interested in this new guy who was so awesome! I mean like I can talk to him, we share a lot in common, and he is so cute! I can't wait to meet him in about 2 weeks. It promises to be exciting! But even before that there are some issues that I must work on. Like my need to run.

I've read so many books on the topic of dating yet many times I feel the inclination to run. When I say run it is normally in either of two ways- run away from the guy of my dreams, or chase after him when he decides that he is getting too close and needs to run. I know that I was advised that whenever a guy does the classic pulling away thing to remain calm and leave him alone- but for some strange reason with this new guy I am getting very impulsive (I hate when I do this cause I get very silly!)

Like for instance just now I picked up the phone and called him after I promised myself that I wouldn't. But I did! How am I to be the beautiful captivating lady i am if I act so clingy?